Posts Tagged ‘Jonathan Goldman’
The Work of Joseph Rael – Tsluu-teh-koh-ay – Beautiful Painted Arrow
The work of Joseph Rael, Tsluu-teh-koh-ay, Beautiful Painted Arrow. Over the last few months I have been reading the work of Joseph Rael, a Southern Ute and Picuris Pueblo First Nation mystic and spiritual leader. I was attracted to the titles of his books, Sound; being and vibration: entering the new world; and House of…
Read MoreAtomic Tones – Healing Fields
After a few months away from publishing, I am excited to return to the Web Log of my exploration of vibrations and their power to heal. This post inaugurates a new, rebuilt site where all of the work is accessible from one place. Now the periodic table with the tones and colors for those who…
Read MoreSacred Sounds
Sacred Sounds: Magic and Healing through Words and Music by Ted Andrews (Llewellyn Publications, 1992. 16th Edition 2013) Sound in our world is constantly “toning us.” I recorded some of the sounds of a home and found the blower was 221 Hz, one hertz sharp of A below middle C. This tone when brought up…
Read MoreHealing Sounds
Review of Jonathan Goldman’s book: Healing Sounds – The Power of Harmonics A question that I am holding is the relationship of the colors from the spectral analysis of the elements to established sound and color healing research. I have started a search of the literature related primarily to sound and healing. I find it…
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